How to Achieve True Engagement with Social Media/

How to Achieve True Engagement with Social Media feature post by

Hi guys i miss you guys sorry for not post. New day new post and it so happen this post just landed in my lap can you say faith yesssss. 

My advice to you guys and myself is on Giving Up 

so i got an email from a guy name Aldo about a great post from about how to achieve engagement on social media aaaaaaaaaaaa great topic and great find. This will be a great read for you as well as me as we all grow on social media together so thanks Aldo for reaching out happy you did.Enjoy the  info graphic and go read the full article at


Don’t forget to tell them socialmediacallaloo send you.

Song Of The Week : Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud

one of my favorite  trinibago you tubers ThisIsEllaz  recommended this song and omg if you haven’t heard it like i did. yes i live under a rock! this song is  freaking amazing.

I got Married in my head and had my First Dance to this song that’s how much i love this song .

 think out loud  as the newest and hottest wedding song for 2014-2015

Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud  is currently on replay i play it every chance i get and the video is just


so click on the link and enjoy the this sweet song  for all the   out there enjoy.xoxo

The Secrets To Getting Popular on Social Media ?

How To Get Followers And Likes

we all want to get

 followers or have ,Do sponsered meet and greet with fan and have big companies sending you free products to review for them.who wouldn’t ?

who would want to be the next Michelle Phan

or Bethany Mota

or  some big time blogger. And the ans  is   

we all want that  type of success and hell you can get it.  You just have to START.

Look back at any successful person in social media look at first blog post,  YouTube video and  Facebook page post that should open your eyes . You get better with time 

Rules to live by start even if it takes you 2 weeks again to post start but do stop you wouldnt be the  greatest , so were all the success people u admire the more you do the better you get the more people see you like you and wanna work with you.

  • INTERACT WITH OTHER on whatever social media platform you are  on give your opinion the more you comment, , join group discussion,do twitter chats , support other people work  and all that good will come back to you people will soon know you by name and start following and liking your stuff.
  • DO CHALLENGES / COMPETITION / COLLABORATION  this is a way to to interact with people who do the same thing as you who all also on the same level as you and will easily become some of you biggest  supporters


  • USE PICTURES  your post will get way more tweets, likes and shares  if there is an image attached. A little tip i learn from a podcast was use a different image for each social media site you send the post  to  if  a follower is following you on all your social media platforms if they see a different image they more likely to click  it than if they see one image over and over from the same person. some great online picture editing sites are  picmonkey and canva very popular with youtubers and blogs alike.


  • TWEETING USE #RT #you #twitter #Retweet #please ,@ mention someone in your post.
  • SHORTEN YOUR URL use tinyurl  or use clicktotweet twitter application.this cuts down on having overly long post and unsightly url links.


  • OFFER SOMETHING FOR FREE write a informative PDF about your content, partner with someone in your field and do a big giveaway it cuts the cost of doing it alone any everyone benefits.

Where i got some of my info for this post.

Buying Social Media Followers …..Nooooooooooo

Today is the last day happy to say i completed the feel good blogging challenge bitter sweet but i have learn a lot and meet some awesome people. we were all was strangers brought together by our own willingness to take on something new despite our fears and 100 reason y we can start and look at us now we did it,with a little push, some tears and plenty motivation by each our we did it , i did it . what a great way to begin my life as a blogger blogger no excuses coming soon my food blog my passion.

Buying  followers seems to be the trend on social media platforms these day . I have seen so many people advertising on Instagram  and twitter followers for sale. My twitter inbox has couple messages with request to buy followers.

Like No .

who are the people buying followers and keeping these sellers in business are you fu real.

we all want to get rich fast and forget about  hard work and dedication. Just take a short cut to the top.Does that really equate to your success. Is the front of have this much followers and much likes worth it or are you just motivated by money.

The few who are making it big on twitter ,YouTube and Instagram ,have ever stop and wonder how they are where they are at?

Let me tell you 

Hard work and a Passion for the content they put out on social media. they didn’t focus on the money but instead they focus on their brand and  building a strong relationship with their fans.

Buying followers is a Big 

Don’t get caught up in the money and fame continue to put out content you believe in and soon your grind will pay off.

My final thoughts if it wasn’t clear already.Just as i wouldn’t buy buy friends i wouldn’t buy followers. My recommendations to persons think about it don’t do it anything you do for money is short live ,this will damage your credibility and destroy what u work all so hard to build all in the name of greed and not having the patients to wait for your time in the spotlight.

 Guys for all the love Social Media Callaloo

Advice To self…..Known Your Worth

It day 6 of alex beadon feel good blogging challenge A vulnerable post bitter sweet the end is close but this been therapy for me to be able to open up and leave my feelings on paper not in my head help.

This is something i struggle with and still do. we all as women give and give so much of our selves that in the end we are left without.At time emotionally drain and feeling of guilty. the takers in our lives often take but never replenish us with the love and care we need. it like a cycle we trap in asking our self why but at the drop of a have will risk life and limb of them. Putting your self first is hard , loving your self is hard. I want you to take my hand and i take yours. Lets help each find our self worth and love our self.ready for the ultimate challenge to self happiness its gonna be hard but united we stand divided we fall.

what am i worth? Do you Know your worth?

I am worth all the happiness and blessings the world has to offer. Until i can live and breath this. These are some quotes to help us along.

These are some apps suggestions to help us in the process.

Meditation Helper

505 Motivational Quotes

Goal Tracker

Build Confidence

Found on

Social Media Callaloo love you.XOXO

A nun reader’s Guide: My 5 favorite books

A nun reader’s Guide :My 5 favorite books . Part1

It’s day #5 of Alex feel good blogging challenge #A helpfully post.

Today is kinda sad it almost the end of this great blogging challenge awww.

By now you guys no i don’t like to read because i get bored. these are a few  engaging books that i love.

Are You there god? its me Margaret.

This is a book i read as  a young teen and ti absolutely love it and remember it to this day. it  about  this girl talking about her journey to puberty. fun fact even thought this book is mainly for girls i gave a guy i liked in school  to read and he enjoyed it too i guess reading about a girls period intrigued him at 12 years.

The little Book of Business Wisdow ( Rules of success from more than 50 business legends ):Peter Krass

This book is my baby i keep going back to it time and time again  for business advice quotes. If your a entrepreneur/ business person/blogger   go get this’s such a easy read but pack from a great advice. A must have…A must read…

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

I saw this book at my dads house and was so drawn to it. when i skim through it, i didn’t want to start reading it only because i wouldn’t for been able to put it down. since i didn’t want to steal another one of my dads books i said i buy my own. ironically this was also recommended by an awesome YouTuber Amy Schmittauer. check her channel out.

So this book is on the top of my list to get i can wait to read it.

Getting Rich Your Own Way :Brian Tracy

This is another great business /entrepreneurial book with lots of great steps advice  and to follow. it is like a business work book with  great work sheets inside the book. this is another good go to fundamental business love love it……………

And my fifth and final book well that’s gonna come from u .

Leave a comment recommending one of your favorite book you think  i should read.

Social Media Callaloo love you. Reach for the moon  the least you can do is fall among the stars. 

Behind My veil “10 things most people don’t know about me.”‪

“10 things most people don’t know about me.” lets get personal 

  • I am very creative i can come up with just about any idea once ask to.

  • I have a very short attention span.I get bored very easy. This was me in school 

  • I wanna to get married. Got my song pick out rascal flatts bless the broken road

  • I wanna be loved and appreciated

  • I am suffering from depression and fear of not living.

  • I don’t trust anyone nor do i have anyone physically around me i trust but hurt by just about everyone i love and my all in some way or the other.

  • I start  think i am a failure 

  • I love helping others

  • I miss cooking an creating recipes 

  • I have a fear of flying but one day will like to travel the world on a culinary adventure.


This this is me  Michelle Batson a girl from Tobago who been trough it all hope this helps someone  as well as someone can be of help to me

These are just few of my chapters i decide to publish.

Social Media Callaloo saying i love you till my next post.

Be A Better Blogger Tips from the Pros

It’s day 3 of the Feel Good Blogging Challenge by Alex Beadon Do A Tutorial Post

The struggle is so real but then it hit me.

what is my blog about?  To find the best help on the web for

These are some great  blogging tutorials any beginning will love so enjoy these great finds and don’t forget to say social Media Callaloo send you.

how to set up my blog social Media Callaloo?

This tutorial is by Anne Witton on how to setup your WordPress enjoy.

how to install social media icons on wordpress social Media Callaloo  ?

This tutorial is by Emily M how to install social media icons on wordpress.

how to do Stunning Titled Photos social Media Callaloo?

This tutorial is by Anyonita Green. DIY Stunning Titled Photos 

she is the biz for great advice on blogging.this tutorial hands down  is my favorite of hers.

DIY Stunning Titled Photos Walkthrough Tutorial from

I follow the tutorial to and did this 

For more of her amazing tutorials from Anyonita Green. click the link.

How to get blog/website traffic  social Media Callaloo?

How to get website traffic by marie forleo.

She is one of my favorite content creators you will enjoy this video .–Ivg


I must say day 3 of the Feel Good Blogging Challenge was challenging.

a little mini tutorial for you wanna be bloggers

  • like my blog  for great Web content  no just find good help…. if it’s me yaaaaa
  • join a blogging challenge or community because on the day you think you can post and feel uninspired you have a community of bloggers that will motivate you to keep at it.

So thanks Feel Good Blogging Challenge community for motivating me to keep at this post the love is real.

Thanks for reading  Social Media Callaloo love ya

My passion for starting this blog

 for doing Social Media Callaloo is my dislike for reading long boring blogs and watching boring video on YouTube and searching google pointlessly.
.There are information out there and my service to you and my self is to find those hidden gems on the web that will not only help you but help me as i established my businesses.
You are getting a front row seat to success all the tools u need to be a millionaire. in what ever field you choose.


Alex Beadon

This great content creator is the one responsible for this blog post with her 7 day Feel Good Blogging Challenge.she was born in yaaaaaa excite.
she brought a community of us ,all too scared ,all procrastinators

With a easy right but effective . The result was  like a child on a bicycle when u finally let go and they look back at how far u are.They are amazed at how far they got all by them self. #tweetable

Thanks Alex Beadon when you let go like birds we all will soar higher than we thought we could.
My  to help people #socialmediacallaloo, food blog , and have an Agro processing company.

Put the on your dreams. Comment down below……..