Buying Social Media Followers …..Nooooooooooo

Today is the last day happy to say i completed the feel good blogging challenge bitter sweet but i have learn a lot and meet some awesome people. we were all was strangers brought together by our own willingness to take on something new despite our fears and 100 reason y we can start and look at us now we did it,with a little push, some tears and plenty motivation by each our we did it , i did it . what a great way to begin my life as a blogger blogger no excuses coming soon my food blog my passion.

Buying  followers seems to be the trend on social media platforms these day . I have seen so many people advertising on Instagram  and twitter followers for sale. My twitter inbox has couple messages with request to buy followers.

Like No .

who are the people buying followers and keeping these sellers in business are you fu real.

we all want to get rich fast and forget about  hard work and dedication. Just take a short cut to the top.Does that really equate to your success. Is the front of have this much followers and much likes worth it or are you just motivated by money.

The few who are making it big on twitter ,YouTube and Instagram ,have ever stop and wonder how they are where they are at?

Let me tell you 

Hard work and a Passion for the content they put out on social media. they didn’t focus on the money but instead they focus on their brand and  building a strong relationship with their fans.

Buying followers is a Big 

Don’t get caught up in the money and fame continue to put out content you believe in and soon your grind will pay off.

My final thoughts if it wasn’t clear already.Just as i wouldn’t buy buy friends i wouldn’t buy followers. My recommendations to persons think about it don’t do it anything you do for money is short live ,this will damage your credibility and destroy what u work all so hard to build all in the name of greed and not having the patients to wait for your time in the spotlight.

 Guys for all the love Social Media Callaloo

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